Game: Hula Hooping

During this preschool physical education activity Isabel C. encourages youngsters to use both fine and gross motor skills. Children also develop problem solving and social skills as they create their own methods of  "hula hooping".

Materials: 6-8 hula hoops (child size) and a large outdoor space.

Description: Allow 6-8 children to use hula hoops in any way that they like, making sure that the hoops are used safely. After the children have used the hula hoops in their own way, the teacher will show them different ways to use the hula.
a) Around the waist - setting it right to your back, then spinning it around with   your body.
b) Make the hula hoop go round and round on the ground.
c) Make hula spin on arm
d) Arrange hula hoops on ground and jump over them
e) Make up your own ideas, such as the activity below.

Comments: The hula hoops are now part of our outdoor games because the children like them so much!

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